Friday 29 August 2008

Super Swing Golf

Since the beginning of the Wii’s time, there’s been a plethora of games that attempt to make use of the Nintendo Wii’s motion control. For the most part, the majority of these games have been, frankly, awful. There’s the occasional “diamond in the rough”, but most of those games will “never see the light of day”. Fortunately, this trend was put to an end about a year and a half ago when Tecmo created Super Swing Golf. A sequel to the first game was made and the second game is the first outing of the franchise in the UK, which has been distributed by Rising Star Games.

When the game is first loaded up, the player is introduced to the world as a novice player; to be fair there is a tutorial that will show the player how to put the ball and basically what to do, step by step. The tutorial is pretty extensive but not too long so, fortunately, boredom does not set in too early. The player is able to skip this step, and the controls are very intuitive; however, if this is your first golf game, you should definitely play through the tutorial golf is annoyingly over complicated despite how easy the controls are to pick up.

There are the standard modes of play, as well; in Single Player Mode, there are three main modes of play: VS CPU Mode, Tour Mode and Practice. As the names of each mode so aptly describe, the Tour Mode is really the place where most players will spend most of their time, as it’s where their careers can really flourish, although the Clubhouse, which is the store, will also receive some form of attention as well. In regards to Multiplayer, there are five options of play: Balloon Pop, Darts, Driving Contest, Stroke Play and Match Play. Although most of the Multiplayer will be ignored (as there is no form of online play), playing with friends and family is good as the controls are really so easy to pick up.

Like all games of it’s type, Super Swing Golf will expand the more it is played. At first there is a limitation on what sort of items you can use and what courses you can play on. As the game progresses, more options open for the player and more worlds will become available. This will continue the lifespan of this game somewhat, but ultimately, the items don’t push the player far enough to really want to complete every single course.

Super Swing Golf may follow all of the standard Golfing mechanics in terms of swinging back the Wii Remote and forward again, but that’s where the similarities to real life golf end. After all, if you wanted a serious golf game, you wouldn’t buy an anime styled character over Tiger Woods. The game in itself is super cute and the players are all happy and will always utter words of encouragement. The surroundings are very bright and colourful and although it’s clearly an unreal world, it feels somewhat natural, too. The cute, bright and artistic style is very comforting and does give the game a somewhat childish feel. The graphics themselves aren’t bad at all, although they are not top-notch graphics. The Wii could produce better, but they are certainly better than Gamecube graphics, which is unfortunately important for many gamers.

For experienced players, the game allows for judgment of wind and various other factors that golfers need to take into account in real life; however, for novices, Super Swing Golf spoon feeds a little and will allow the player to literally count how far away they need to make their swing. Fortunately, this is not 100% accurate, and the natural factor of life also comes into effect, so the game really can’t be easily cheated.

As with the style itself, the game injects a level of unreal fun into the game by the means of the Clubhouse where players are able to purchase new types of Golf Clubs, such as umbrellas and various other objects that you would never usually find on a golf course being used as clubs.

The mix between lift music and light jazz is far from annoying and is very catchy. It sets the mood of the game off very well, something which is light and enjoyable in almost every sense.

Final Verdict - 8/10
Although Super Swing Golf has various mechanics of a serious looking golf game, the actual style itself will put many gamers off, which is a shame. As for those of you who like golf and own a Wii, this really is a must-have.Although Super Swing Golf has various mechanics of a serious looking golf game, the actual style itself will put many gamers off, which is a shame. As for those of you who like golf and own a Wii, this really is a must-have.

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